

  • 没有最低存款额的储蓄账户使你成为会员
  • 无需每月维护费用
  • 根据余额赚取股息

San Francisco Federal Credit Union offers a variety of savings products to help you save.

Regular Savings

Establishing a savings account with no deposit makes you a member and part-owner of San Francisco Federal Credit Union. The account provides you an opportunity to save and grow financially with the Credit Union. This is a tiered savings account that pays you dividends based on the balance you have in the account.


A Money Market Account is a great option if you would like to maximize your earnings while having access to the funds when you need it.  This is a tiered account that pays you dividends based on the balance you have.  退出不会受到处罚.


A 存款证明, 也被称为CD, is an effective investment for those who are looking for stability and protection of their principal over a period of time. CDs are a type of federally insured savings account that offers a fixed interest rate that is normally higher than a savings or money market account. Because it has fixed terms, any withdrawals prior to the maturity date can incur a penalty charge. CDs are best if you have no immediate plans for your money and you are looking for a guaranteed rate of return on your investment.


  • Coverdell Education Savings Account or Certificate: Tax-deferred account for education savings
  • Uniform Transfer to Minors Account: Custodial account that helps build savings for minors. 请按此(PDF)申请.

In addition, we offer Youth Workshops that we can bring to your child’s school or organization, at no charge.


为你的未来开始计划和储蓄永远不会嫌早. We can help build your nest egg so you can be on a path toward living a financially stable retirement.

GPK电子游戏提供传统IRA储蓄和罗斯IRA储蓄. 传统IRA储蓄, in most cases, 会让你有税前供款吗, meaning when you make deposits into the IRA you are able to deduct that amount from your taxable income and in return, 今年少交一些税. A Roth IRA savings may be right for you if you don’t need the tax deduction now and prefer tax-free withdrawal at retirement. IRA证书有传统和罗斯两种, and, 就像GPK电子游戏的常规证书一样, 提供期限期权,在更长的期限内支付更高的股息.

Youth Accounts

It’s never too early to give our youth a strong financial foundation and teach them money management skills with a Youth Savings and Checking Account. GPK电子游戏提供产品, services, and programs that will teach young people the importance of saving money for the future. GPK电子游戏的青年帐户特点:

  • 无需每月维护费用
  • 没有每月最低余额要求
  • 即时股息收益
  • 青年研讨会及活动
  • Newsletters
  • 使用网上和手机银行
  • 产品及服务
    • Ages 6-12 (储蓄、货币市场及存单帐户)
    • Ages 13-17 (储蓄、货币市场及存单帐户)
      • 支票账户(免透支转账保障)
      • 可使用Visa借记卡
      • 网上账单支付(内部和外部转账)

NCUA Insurance

标准的股票保险金额为250美元,每股股东000美元, 每个投保信用社, 对于每个帐户所有权类别. The $250,000 standard share insurance account became permanent through the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.


The NCUA Electronic Share Insurance Estimator is available to help members better understand the protection offered by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). This interactive site allows users to input data to compute the amount of NCUSIF coverage available under different account scenarios. 此资源可在


Regular Savings & 货币市场收益率

Regular Savings
$100 (min)0.015%
$2,500 (min)0.015%
$20,000 (min)0.015%
$50,000 (min)0.025%
$80,000 (min)0.025%
$2,500 (min)0.100%
$20,000 (min)0.15%
$50,000 (min)0.351%
$80,000 (min)0.501%
IRA Savings
IRA Savings0.150%

*APY=年收益率百分比. Rates accurate as of August 1, 2019, subject to change after account opening. 费用可能会减少收入. While every effort has been made to ensure that this website contains accurate and current information regarding rates and other terms, errors may occur. Rates quoted are subject to correction and change by San Francisco Federal Credit Union.

Savings FAQs


储蓄账户是用来帮助消费者储蓄的. Per federal law, you can make six (6) withdrawals or transfers from savings products each month. 如果您超过了允许的取款和转账数量, 信用社将收取超额活动费.

Does a savings account have a routing number, and can I have a direct deposit set up?

是的,您的储蓄号码和您的支票号码是一样的. gpk电子游戏官网的路由号码是321076441. Direct deposits can be set up to go into your savings account and is a great way to build your savings.


GPK电子游戏的储蓄产品不允许写支票. For unlimited check writing capabilities, you can open a checking account.


定期储蓄使用公式:每日余额法. Each day you earn interest on the ending balance that interest earned is added up, 没有复利,在月底支付.


当您打开GPK电子游戏的CD时, you will have the opportunity to make arrangements for the money upon the CD maturity date. 如果你不安排的话, there is a 10-day grace period after your CD reaches maturity during which time you may roll over your balance to a new CD, 向账户中增加资金或减少余额. You can also transfer the money to a different account or close the account without penalty.

如果你想把余额转到新存单上, please contact us for the latest dividend rates and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and to discuss term options. 在正常工作时间,GPK电子游戏的电话是415-775-5377.


GPK电子游戏建议你咨询你的律师, CPA, 或者财务顾问告诉你哪些投资选择最适合你.

Contact Us 欲了解更多信息或致电 415-775-5377

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